Trincomalee Harbour

Trincomalee Harbour

 Trincomalee Harbour

The city of Trincomalee, rewarded for the 3rd largest natural harbor in the world was truly a legend since from the past. In the case of that more and more attention of both local and international community has drawn to Trincomalee. Further, so many regions tried to capture the fort. The harbor was a place where many of Portuguese, Dutch, French, and the English battled and shot each other to take it into their custody. Today the Trincomalee harbor is an important commercial seaport of Sri Lanka.

Trincomalee is famous for its three bays, Back bay, Dutch bay and the inner harbor. The harbor consists 1630 hectares of water and 5261 hectares of land. The entrance channel to the Port is 500 meters wide. You will have to get ready to enter a dry and sunny zone of Sri Lanka. Therefore it will be better if you could take caps, umbrellas with you. Perhaps during the months of Oct- Jan will be a bit of rain. But the windy climate will never let you a feeling of exhausted. The harbor of Trincomalee is the cater for hundreds of cargo of Tourism, Agriculture, financial and commercial sectors of Sri Lanka. Being a pioneer of the trade industry the Port Authority is currently maintaining and administrating the harbor. The port of Trincomalee is open every day except May Day with only day light navigation.

Even in the Tsunami in 2004, the fort was not brutally attacked due to its natural elevation. In contrast, more population of Trincomalee was survived rather than other disaster faced people from other villages along the coastline of Sri Lanka. It is evident that the famous British sea captain, traveler, and explorer Sir Robert Knox who surrendered to the King of Kandy came ashore by a chance that the harbor was a significant commercial capital during the colonial period. Even he has pointed out the harbor in a map of Sri Lanka illustrated. Not only that but also Ptolamy, Marco Polo who traveled around China, Arabia and Rome across Indian ocean never hesitated to take a tour around the harbor on their world expeditions. Recently the monuments, historical important brick o brace department of Archaeology of Sri Lanka found, through the excavations carried out around the Trincomalee harbor proving above mentioned statuses. Subsequently, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the open Indian ocean while strolling through the Fort Fredrick or the harbor.