Tourists are welcomed to visit this museum before discovering cultural and religious tourism sites in Sri lanka. As Sri Lanka beholds to a great history it is highly admired in the Anuradhapura Archeological museum. It is situated between the Brazon palace and Ruwan weli seya. It should be pointed out that the Archeological museum was initiated by Dr. Paranvitarana whose prime effort was to popularize the tremendous events of Sri Lankan history. It will be desirable if the Travelers who are desiderating about ancient Anuradhapura to begin their tour from the Archeological museum Anuradhapura. Most valuable Buddha statues, inscriptions, coins, stone, timber, metal, Drawings, antiques and explanatory displays are exhibited in the museum.
Not only that but also the museum provides the basic information about the rural living styles and their habitats which were changed from time to time. Even they had to change their clothing’s with a change of several eras in Sri Lanka. So visiting the museum will give you an overview, more knowledge and an experience which will not be seconded for visiting the archeological site on your own. Archeological museum is also known as Puravidu Bhavana. It has been proposed to name as the National Museum of the Department of Archeology. Significantly it is the home to all vulnerable statues, monuments and the things which should be preserved for the next generations. Otherwise, these would have vanished.
The whole area of the museum is used to exhibit archeological items including the open areas. Here you can see some luxury items like carved stone squat style toilets used by the monks from western monasteries and specially designed plates. These urinals were illustrated with the god of wealth pouring handfuls of coins into the hole. And also there is a relic chamber found at the Karnataka Chetiya Dagoba in Mihintale. The museum is contained in all information about relics of the past. Anuradhapura was influenced by South Indian culture and social background as it is much closer to the India. Further, the Kingdom was invaded several times by the invaders from South India such as Chola, Pandiyans , and Sollins.
Yet the Puravidu bhavana was established most of the antiques and archeological monuments founded at Anuradhapura excavations had to be handed over to the National Museum of Sri Lanka. Rest had to be placed at an archeological laboratory on behalf of placing them. Some excavators tried to clutter and collect the monuments in the same archeological area. Tourists who are wishing to know more can visit the museum from 8.30 to 5.30 pm except Tuesdays and every public holiday.