A place like Brazon Palace which is also known as Lova mahaprasada attracts tourists to develop tourism in Sri Lanka since from the past. In order to have a tour to the Brazon Palace, you have to take Anuradhapura city of Central North Province in Sri Lanka and find out of the ancient ruins and sacred ruins of Anuradhapura. Brazon Palace is a building secured with a wide range of stone columns located between Ruwanwelimahaseya and Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura. One side of the building was 120 m in length. There are 40 rows, each row consisting of 40 stone pillars, for a total of 1600 pillars. Legends may carry you to a great history conveying about unbelievable engineers and builders of Sri Lanka at that time. This construction received this name of ‘Brazon palace’ as it has consisted of a bronze tiled roof. Brazon palace was constructed by the King Dutugmunu who united the nation under him at the time of 2000 years ago. By the way, it was repaired and modified from time to time by several kings.
However, the purpose of the palace was to accommodate 1000 monks and attendants by providing shelter and reservations, providing nursing and caring facilities and looking after the injured monks etc. In ancient times the written facts about the origin of Sri lanka conveys that over 1000 of arahant monks from various countries were assembled at Lovamaha prasadaya. On Poya days they gathered to the Simamalaka which was used to recite sutra and gatha in spite of establishing the Buddhism in the country. There were a refectory and a upasatha gara in the building in past, but today we cants see them due to the negligence of authorities and being opened to the devastating environment.
Lohamahaprasada is a mansion of nine stories which is believed that it took six years to complete the full construction in that time. At that time the palace was fully decorated with Gems and stones. Our ancestors believed that the plan of this building is gained from the heaven. However, the era of King Sadhdhatissa was a unpropitious to the building as it was fully destroyed. Hence we can only see the venue of Uposathagaraya, the small late construction now. The still remaining pillars which were been fenced off are lastly rebuilt by the King Parackramabahu around the 12th century.