Royal Pleasure gardens are another cluster of sites that shouldn’t be ever missed by the tourists persuaded in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka figuring a great engineering system in Town and City Planning. Since from the past Anuradhapura was advanced in designing and planning the city. Thereby Parks, Gardens, ponds and artificial water falls were seen in the city. One such Garden is the Mahamega Park designed by the King Mutasiwa , brother of King Kashyapa in the 3rd century. But the originator of this garden is still unknown to the entire world.At the same time, King Mutasiwa was the creator of the Nandana Park and Jothivana Park. But with a dawn of a new era of King Devanam piya tissa, our country was cherished with Buddhism. Therefore King Devanam piya tissa donated all of these parks to Bhikkus . You can meet this park which covers an area of 40 acres on the way down to the bant of Tissa wewa in Anuradhapura.
Royal pleasure garden is known as park of the Gold fishes which is also known as Ranmasu Uyana in Sinhalese. This is the venue that the Prince Saliya, the son of King Dutugemunu met his love Ashokamala from lower strata of the society used to met and had to abandon the throne. As indicated in the Vessagiriya epigraph, the water to the park was supplied from the Tissa Wewa and lasted by providing water supplements for the paddy fields near the Isurumuniya Vihara without spoiling Water.
Ruins at the premises include scattered rocks, three bathing ponds and remains of a small building. Professors say that the Royal Garden so called of Ranmasu Uyana was addressed in this name because there were lots of Gold fishes in small ponds next to the bathing ponds. There is a large room built in the stone measured about 7x6 feet.You can see a wonderful sculpture of playing and bathing elephants in a Lotus Pond. Further, the park consists, another pond of 2 parts which are tremendously designed to fit around the huge boulders in the park. The inner part of the chamber similar to a changing room built with plates of rock. Professor Paranavitharana believed that these joined 2 ponds made a shower bath for the Royal family. On such indicators help to prove that the mechanical knowledge used in the Royal pleasure Garden was so advance.