Rhe monastery arguably most interested in tourists who are looking for Sri Lankan Tourism landscapes.Western monasteries are located in Thapovana, to the north west from the Abhayawapi wewa (Basawakkulama) . In addition, most of the monasteries in were opulent and splendor. But this monastery doesn’t consist of decoration even in both inner and outer sides. Ancient records prove that the western townships of ancient sacred Anuradhapura were the least desirables. Anuradhapura ruined circumference has consisted of many monasteries. This meditating place or the padhanagaras was beautifully designed in order to use as a forest hermitage.
Interment grounds, Crematory places were also located in this monastery. The people were responsible for nursing these places. The Bhikku in the monasteries just had a meal of rice with bitter oil. They had a robe made of wrecked clothing gained from the corpses themselves. As a result of this simple life style and meditations, the monks were capable enough to gain, assure the wisdom of Buddhism.
In addition to the urinal system of the monastery, were decorated with the image of ‘Kuvera’ (God of wealth). Perhaps they may be the only feature which has been a picturesquely designed component. Archeologists say that the purpose of this ornamental urinal stones is much arguable. But it seems to be the purpose of such a decoration was to indicate that the bhikkus never contemplated about greediness and lust. Even they hadn’t any time to arrange for sensuous lust rather than being procrastinating them. Padhanangara was the main division at western monasteries which has been maintained well. These were made of an open platform and a residential house. You can see a large air pond in western monastery site. It seems that the granite blocks used to build the sides of the ponds have no particular shape. But the pond has been carved into the bedrock. The main entrance to the western monastery is from the east. It was built of big stone slabs. In fact, other entrances are same but they were porches. A small cushy cot was built on the other side of the entrance and fully made of stones.
In wield the spectra of King Kassapa 4(898 – 914 A.C), took the leadership to build this dwelling place for Pamsakulika order of Bhikkus. But the Deva building in Western monasteries was built by King Kassapa 5 (914 – 923 A.C). By the way, the Bhikkus of Tapovana were divided during the time of King Udaya 3 (946-954 A.C). They went to the Ratnaprasada and represented the Ruhuna nikaya. But the bhikkus returned back asking apology from the nation.