Bahiravokanda vihara Buddha statue lies within few meters from Peradeniya is a huge concrete religious monument. It is one of the numerous things to be toured and experienced in Kandy. It will take about 20 minutes to reach the statue from the Police station of Peradeniya. Travelers enjoy the Buddha statue which is 88 feet in height with the amusement created by the statute. Visitors may have to climb few stairs to this calm and peaceful spot arranged by the Buddhist monks of Sri lanka. Even though you can see the white colored Buddha statue made on the hill at a distance from the Peradeniya city. Certainly, it can be seen from almost anywhere in Kandy city.
A panoramic view of the Kandy city has appeared in the top. Indolent travelers can hire a tuk tuk or a taxi to get into the top. Perhaps it may be windy but surely it is not a steep climb. Simultaneously you may identify the Kandy lake, football stadium, and tea factory and dotted stone boulders through the outlook from the top. Frequently a better photo collection of the landscape can be taken. Bahiraviokanda vihara Buddha statue is one of the tallest and beautiful Buddha statues in Sri lanka. The hill where the statue was built called bahirava kanda, in Sinhalese it means the devil’s hil. A stairway beside with the statue can be climbed for a greater height. In fact, it will be well worth to see the statue lit up at night.
Some tourists believe that there isn’t anything important. Rather than that, a trip to the bahiravakanda vihara Buddha statue will b a spectacular visit to Kandy’s famous sites. Be sure to remove your caps and shoes or slippers before entering the premise. Devotees are expected to worship Buddha statue by offering flowers and lighting oil lamps. Henceforward the site is being developed to attract more tourists.