The Matara Fort was built in the year 1560 by the Portuguese. However historically, it is stated that the fort was built by Dutch as they captured the city of Galle. Matara fort has become of the best destinations for spending the holidays in Sri Lanka. It is very famous and has a number of well-established hotels, guest houses, entertainment facilities, etc. that people can enjoy. The Matara city is really enjoyed a lot by the romantic couples and honeymoon travelers as it presents a nice touch to the romantic side of humans. The beaches, beautiful resorts and entertainments like fishing, surfing, whale watching, etc. all contribute to the beauty of this place. There is also a spectacular view of the river Nilwala that is liked and appreciated by these people who tour the area. This locality of Matara is on the land tongue that is precisely placed between the green lagoon and the ocean. The fort is protected by its part or section of landside with 13 meters of thicker walls that are also about 5 meters tall in height. The Matara Fort is not protected from all other 3 locations other than the presence of water on all of these 3 sides. This water aspect on 3 sides also provides a natural barrier to its fort. The thickness of these sites also is very much impressive as the person can stand on top of it and view the scenes around.
Behind these walls are the empty fields that were having so many plantations and greenery in the older times when the Dutch time was around. Most of these have vanished now and children predominantly play sports like Cricket there which is also enjoyed and played by many tourists coming to view the fort. There is also a very nice church that is located on the other side of this Matara Fort. There is a beautiful and well-established guest house on its left-hand side as it is also the seaside of Matara Fort. The presence of villas nearby and other beautiful resorts attracts tourists and travelers so regularly to the area and nearby beaches are also a very nice way to attract. The maps and travel guides mostly contain some description of the Matara fort due to its grand architecture and historic importance too. Therefore, the people can enjoy and have a great learning time as many opportunities are available with the views of Matara Fort.